单位:MEMS教育部重点实验室 电话: 出生年月:1966-01-02 邮箱:xpliao@seu.edu.cn 学历:博士 地址:无锡滨湖区状元路5号 职称:教授
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(1)基于RF MEMS技术的微波通讯信号的功率、相位和频率的单片集成检测系统;




20年来,负责完成国家自然科学基金面上项目5项、国家863计划1项和部级等纵向研究项目6项;以第一发明人获国家发明专利授权50多项;以通讯作者指导研究生在专业的国际权威期刊上发表了被SCI收录的学术论文80多篇,在本专业的重要国际学术会议上发表了被ISTP收录的学术论文20多篇;出版专著1部(廖小平、张志强、易真翔、闫浩《微电子机械微波通讯信号检测集成系统》科学出版社 2016)。


[1] Min  Sun, Xiaoping Liao*,  An RF Power Amplifier Integrated With the Self-Health Monitor Sensor and Multisource Energy Harvesting Circuit, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 39(2): 2237-2246, 2024.

[2] Jianhua Li, Xiaoping Liao*, Sustainable Status Monitoring of MOSFETs in a Fully Integrated RF Amplifier by Thermal Voltage Sensing of On-Chip Thermopile, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters, 7:94-97, 2024.

[3] Min  Sun, Xiaoping Liao*, Monolithic Integration of a Microwave Amplifier and a Multisource Energy Harvesting Circuit, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters, 34(3): 318-312, 2024.

[4] Min Sun, Xiaoping Liao*, Research on Photothermal Co-Analysis Model of a Thermoelectric–Photoelectric Power Generator, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 70(6): 3335-3340, 2023.

[5] Jianhua Li, Xiaoping Liao*, Highly Linear RMS Microwave Power Sensor Joule-Heating-Based Using CMOS Technology, IEEE Transactions on Electron Device, 70(6): 3263-3268s, 2023.

[6] Jianhua Li, Xiaoping Liao*, A New RF-Thermal-Electric Power Detector with High Sensitivity and Inherent Linearity in 0.18-μm CMOS Technology, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters, 33(5): 563-566, 2023.

[7] Jianhua Li, Xiaoping Liao*, Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of an Integrated Microwave Power, Frequency, and Phase Detector for X-Band Applications, IEEE Sensors Journal, 23(1): 219-225, 2023.

[8] Zongyan Zhang, Xiaoping Liao*, Fabrication of a Novel GaAs Thermopile Sensor for RF Amplitude Demodulation, IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 32(4)299-301, 2023.

[9] Min Sun, Xiaoping Liao*, Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of a Photoelectric-Thermoelectric Integrated Power Generator Filled by Al Layer, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 69(5): 2462-2468, 2022.

[10] Zongyan Zhang, Xiaoping Liao*, Modeling on RF Circuit and Thermal Conduction of a MEMS Amplitude Demodulator, IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 31(5)777-783, 2022.

[11] Min Sun, Xiaoping Liao*, Modeling of the Photoelectric–Thermoelectric Integrated Micropower Generator , IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 68(9): 4509-4515, 2021.

[12] Jianhua Li , Xiaoping Liao*, A Novel RF Power Detector Based on Positive and Negative Thermistors Using Standard CMOS Technology, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 42(12): 1849-1852, 2021.

[13] Jianhua Li, Xiaoping Liao*, Chenlei Chu, A New RF MEMS Power Sensor Based on Double-Deck Thermocouples with High Sensitivity and Large Dynamic Range, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 31(8): 1023-1026, 2021.

[14]  Sen  Zhang, Xiaoping Liao*A C-Band MEMS Frequency Discriminator With  High Sensitivity and LinearityIEEE Electron Device Letters,  42(3): 410-413, 2021.

[15] Jianhua Li, Xiaoping Liao*, Chenlei ChuElectromagnetic-Thermal-Electric  Analysis of Indirectly-Heated RF MEMS Power Sensors With Different Terminal  Resistor DimensionsIEEE Sensors Journal, 21(4): 4342-4349,  2021.

[16] Jianhua Li, Xiaoping Liao*,  Chenlei ChuA Novel Thermistor-Based RF Power Sensor With Wheatstone Bridge  Fabricating on MEMS MembraneIEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems,  29(5): 1314-1321, 2020.

[17]  Sen Zhang, Xiaoping Liao*Investigations of the Thermoelectric-Photoelectric  Integrated Power Generator With I-Shaped Thermocouple Structure and its Test  StructuresIEEE Sensors Journal, 19(23): 11113-11119, 2019. 

[18] Jiabin Yan, Xiaoping Liao*, Sichao JiSen ZhangA Novel Multi-Source Micro Power Generator for Harvesting Thermal and Optical EnergyIEEE Electron Device Letters, 40(2):349-352, 2019.

[19] Jiabin Yan, Xiaoping Liao*, Sichao JiSen ZhangMEMS-Based Thermoelectric–Photoelectric Integrated Power GeneratorIEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 28(1):1-3, 2019.

[20] Chenlei Chu, Xiaoping Liao*, Chenglin LiChen Chen, A Micro-Machined Phase Discriminator With Improved Power Capacity on C-Band and X-Band, IEEE Sensors Journal, 19(6):2133-2139, 2019. 

[21] Hao Yan, Xiaoping Liao*, Chen Chen, Chenglin Li, High-Power Handling Analysis of a Capacitive MEMS Power Sensor at X-Band, IEEE Sensors Journal, 18(13): 5272-5277, 2018.

[22] Jiabin Yan, Xiaoping Liao*, Deyang Yan, and Youguo Chen. Review of micro thermoelectric generatorIEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 27(1):1-18, 2018.

[23] Hao Yan, Xiaoping Liao*, Chenglin Li, A Dual-Channel MEMS Amplitude Demodulator for On-Line Detection in Radio Relay Station, IEEE Electron Device Letters38(8)1121-11242017.

[24] Chenlei Chu, Xiaoping Liao*, Improved Dynamic Range of Microwave Power Sensor by MEMS Cantilever Beam, IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 6(6):1183-1185, 2017.

[25] Hao Yan, Xiaoping Liao*, An X-Band Dual Channel Microwave Phase Detector Based on GaAs MMIC Technology, IEEE Sensors Journal, 16(17): 6515-6516, 2016.

[26] Juzheng Han, Xiaoping Liao*, A Compact Broadband Microwave Phase Detector Based on MEMS Technology, IEEE Sensors Journal, 16(10): 3480-3481, 2016.

[27] Yan, Jiabin, Xiaoping Liao*, Research on the Response Time of Indirect-Heating Microwave Power Sensor, IEEE Sensors Journal, 16(13): 5270-5276, 2016.

[28] Hao Yan, Xiaoping Liao*, The High Power up to 1 W Characteristics of the Capacitive Microwave Power Sensor With Grounded MEMS Beam, IEEE Sensors Journal, 15(12): 6765-6766, 2015.

[29] Juzheng Han, Xiaoping Liao*, Third-Order Intermodulation of an MEMS Clamped–Clamped Beam Capacitive Power Sensor Based on GaAs Technology, IEEE Sensors Journal, 15(7): 3645-3646, 2015.

[30] Zhenxiang Yi Xiaoping Liao*, Measurements on Intermodulation Distortion of Capacitive Power Sensor Based on MEMS Cantilever Beam, IEEE Sensors Journal, 14(3): 621-622, 2014.

[31] Zhenxiang Yi, Xiaoping Liao*, Hao Yan, A Frequency-Compensation-Type Microwave Power Sensor Fabricated by GaAs MMIC Process, IEEE Sensors Journal, 14(9):2936-2937, 2014.

[32] Zhiqiang ZhangXiaoping Liao*, Micromachined passive bandpass filters based on GaAs Monolithic-Microwave-Integrated-Circuit technology, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 60(1), 221–228, 2013.

[33] Debo Wang, Xiaoping Liao*, and Tong Liu, Optimization of indirectly-heated type microwave power sensors based on GaAs micromachining, IEEE Sensors Journal, 12(5):1349-1355, 2012.

[34] Debo Wang, Xiaoping Liao*, and Tong Liu, A novel thermoelectric and capacitive power sensor with improved dynamic range based on GaAs MMIC technology, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 33(2): 269-271, 2012.

[35] Zhiqiang Zhang and Xiaoping Liao*, A thermocouple-based self-heating RF power sensor with GaAs MMIC-compatible micromachining technology, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 33(4): 606-608, 2012.

[36] Debo Wang, Xiaoping Liao*, and Tong Liu, A thermoelectric power sensor and its package based on MEMS technologyIEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 21(1): 121-131, 2012.

[37] Zhiqiang Zhang, Xiaoping Liao*, Packaging-test-fixture for in-line coupling RF MEMS power sensors, IEEE Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 20(6): 1231-1233, 2011. 






(1)基于RF MEMS技术的微波通讯信号的功率、相位和频率的单片集成检测系统;



