单位:MEMS教育部重点实验室 电话: 出生年月: 邮箱:pengcheng.liu@seu.edu.cn 学历:博士 地址:东南大学九龙湖校区,信息电子大楼 职称:特聘教授
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  • 科学研究
  • 荣誉奖励
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现为东南大学特聘教授、博士生导师,获得江苏省特聘教授、德国洪堡学者、华为紫金学者等人才项目,并曾担任慕尼黑工业大学无机和金属-有机化学实验室储能研究组负责人。近年,在Chemical Reviews、Chemical Society Reviews、Advanced Materials、Angewandte Chemie International Edition、Advanced Energy Materials、Accounts of Chemical Research等知名学术期刊上发表多篇代表性论文,9篇一作/通讯作者论文被Adv. Mater.、Angew. Chem.、Adv. Energy Mater.等选为封面论文;同时受邀撰写Elsevier出版的钾基电池英文专著章节、IOPscience出版的钾基电池发展路线图《2023 Roadmap for K-ion Batteries》章节。荣获NRE学术新星金奖(Young Star Researcher Gold Award by Nano Research and Nano Research Energy)、Vebleo Fellow、中国颗粒学会优秀博士论文、江苏省颗粒学创新奖特等奖等学术奖励和荣誉。现担任SCI期刊Journal of Energy Chemistry客座编辑及青年编委(正组织钾基储能技术特刊)、Nano Materials Science客座编辑(组织了碳中和特刊)、“Global Conference on 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing”国际会议学术委员会委员等学术服务。

2011.09-2017.06     南京航空航天大学-材料加工工程专业         博士


2007.09-2011.06     南京航空航天大学-材料科学与工程专业     学士


2024.01至今           东南大学-集成电路学院                                      正高、博导


2022.01-2023.12     德国慕尼黑工业大学-化学系                             洪堡学者、储能研究组负责人


2019.08-2021.11     美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校-机械工程系         博士后


2018.12-2019.07     美国克拉克森大学-化学与生物分子工程系         博士后



1. Pengcheng Liu, Litao Sun. Electrochemical Potassium Storage: Chapter 11. Potassium metal battery. Woodhead Publishing, 2025, pages 343-393, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-443-13891-1.00012-1. (In Elsevier)

第一作者或通讯作者论文- 封面文章

1.       Pengcheng Liu*, Dean Yen, Bairav S. Vishnugopi, Varun Kankanallu, Doğa Gürsoy, Mingyuan Ge, John Watt, Partha P. Mukherjee, Yu-chen Karen Chen-Wiegart and David Mitlin*. Influence of Potassium Metal – Support Interactions on Dendrite Growth. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2023, 62, e202300943. (Hot Paper; Front Cover; *Co-corresponding author)

2.       Pengcheng Liu*, Hongchang Hao, Hugo Celio, Jinlei Cui, Muqing Ren, Yixian Wang, Hui Dong, Aminur Rashid Chowdhury, Tanya Hutter, Frédéric A. Perras, Jagjit Nanda, John Watt and David Mitlin*. Multifunctional Separator Allows Stable Cycling of Potassium Metal Anodes and of Potassium Metal Batteries. Advanced Materials, 2022, 34, 2105855. (Back Cover; *Co-corresponding author)

3.       Pengcheng Liu*, Yixian Wang, Hongchang Hao, Swastik Basu, Xuyong Feng, Yixin Xu, J. Anibal Boscoboinik, Jagjit Nanda, John Watt and David Mitlin*. Stable Potassium Metal Anodes with an All-Aluminum Current Collector through Improved Electrolyte Wetting. Advanced Materials, 2020, 32, 2002908. (Front Cover inside; *Co-corresponding author)

4.       Pengcheng Liu, Yixian Wang, Qilin Gu, Jagjit Nanda, John Watt and David Mitlin*. DendriteFree Potassium Metal Anodes in a Carbonate Electrolyte. Advanced Materials, 2020, 32, 1906735. (Back Cover)

5.       Pengcheng Liu* and David Mitlin*. Emerging Potassium Metal Anodes: Perspectives on Control of the Electrochemical Interfaces. Accounts of Chemical Research, 2020, 53, 1161. (Cover; *Co-corresponding author)

6.       Pengcheng Liu,* Kongjun Zhu,* Yaneng Gao, Hongjie Luo and Li Lu. Recent Progress in the Applications of Vanadium-Based Oxides on Energy Storage: from Low-Dimensional Nanomaterials Synthesis to 3D Micro/Nano-Structures and Free-Standing Electrodes Fabrication. Advanced Energy Materials, 2017, 1700547. (Front Cover; Highlight of Video Abstract by Advanced Science News, Highlight by Materials Views; *Co-corresponding author)

7.       Pengcheng Liu,* Yuan. Xu, Kongjun Zhu,* Kan Bian, Jing Wang, Xu Sun, Yanfeng Gao, Hongjie Luo, Li Lu and Jinsong Liu. Ultrathin VO2 Nanosheets Self-Assembled into 3D Micro/Nano-Structured Hierarchical Porous Sponge-Like Micro-Bundles for Long-Life and High-Rate Li-Ion Batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5. 8307. (Front Cover inside; *Co-corresponding author)   

8.       Yuan Xu,Kongjun Zhu,* Pengcheng Liu,* Jing Wang, Kang Yan, Jinsong Liu, Jie Zhang, Jun Li and Zhongran Yao. Controllable synthesis of 3D Fe3O4 micro-cubes as anode materials for lithium ion batteries. CrystEngComm, 2019, 21, 5050-5058. (Front Cover; *Co-corresponding author, Co-first author)

9.       Liye Li,Pengcheng Liu,Kongjun Zhu,* Jing Wang, Jinsong Liu, and Jinhao Qiu. A general and simple method to synthesize well-crystallized nanostructured vanadium oxides for high performance Li-ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 9385. (Back Cover; Co-first author)


10.       Pengcheng Liu*, Hongchang Hao*, Aditya Singla, Bairav S. Vishnugopi, John Watt, Partha P. Mukherjee and David Mitlin*. Alumina - Stabilized SEI and CEI in Potassium Metal Batteries. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2024, 63, e202402214. (*Co-corresponding author)

11.     Lin Su, Ruining Fu, Shuangying Lei, Yuchen Pan, Chongyang Zhu, Pengcheng Liu,and Feng Xu*. In Situ Atomic-Scale Tracking of Unusual Interface Reaction Circulation and Phase Reversibility in (De)Potassiated Alloy-Typed AnodeJournal of Energy Chemistry, 202495:, 241-249(*Co-corresponding author)

12.     Yang Xu, Maria-Magdalena Titirici, Jingwei Chen, Furio Corà, Patrick L Cullen, Jacqueline Sophie Edge, Fan Kun, Ling Fan, Jingyu Feng, Tomooki Hosaka, Junyang Hu, Weiwei Huang, Timothy I Hyde, Sumair Imtiaz, Feiyu Kang, Tadhg Kennedy, Eun Jeong Kim, Shinichi Komaba, Laura Lander, Phuong Nam Le Pham, Pengcheng Liu, Bingan Lu, Fanlu Meng, David Mitlin, Laure Monconduit, Robert G Palgrave, Lei Qin, Kevin Ryan, Gopinathan Sankar, David O Scanlon, Tianyi Shi, Lorenzo Stievano, Henry Tinker, Chengliang Wang, Hang Wang, Huanlei Wang, Yiying Wu, Dengyun Zhai, Qichun Zhang, Min Zhou, Jincheng Zou. 2023 Roadmap for Potassium-Ion Batteries. Journal of Physics: Energy, 2023, 5, 021502.

13.     Yu Wang,Pengcheng Liu,*† Kongjun Zhu,* Jing Wang, Kang Yan and Jinsong Liu. One-step fabrication of in situ carbon-coated NiCo2O4@C bilayered hybrid nanostructural arrays as free-standing anode for high-performance lithium-ion batteries. Electrochimica Acta, 2018, 273, 1. (*Co-corresponding author, Co-first author)

14.     Pengcheng Liu, Kongjun Zhu,* Kan Bian, Yuan Xu, Fan Zhang, Wei Zhang, Weiqing Huang and Jianhui Zhang*. One-Step and Short-Time Synthesis of 3D NaV2O5 Mesocrystal as Anode Materials of Na-Ion Batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 2018, 395, 158.

15.     Pengcheng Liu, Kongjun Zhu,* Kan Bian, Yuan Xu, Fan Zhang, Wei Zhang, Jianhui Zhang and Weiqing Huang*. 3D Hierarchical Porous Sponge-Like V2O5 Micro/Nano-Structures for High-Performance Li-Ion Batteries. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 765, 901.

16.     Pengcheng Liu,* Kan Bian, Kongjun Zhu,* Yuan Xu, Yanfeng Gao, Hongjie Luo, Li Lu, Jing Wang, Jinsong Liu and Guoan Tai. Ultrathin Nanoribbons of In Situ Carbon-Coated V3O7·H2O for High-Energy and Long-Life Li-Ion Batteries: Synthesis, Electrochemical Performance and Charge-Discharge Behavior. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9, 17002.  

17.     Pengcheng Liu,* Kongjun Zhu,* Yuan Xu, Kan Bian, Jing Wang, Guoan Tai, Yanfeng Gao, Hongjie Luo, Li Lu and Jinsong Liu. Hierarchical Porous and Intercalation-Type V2O3 for High-Performance Anode Materials of Li-Ion Batteries.Chemistry - A European Journal, 2017, 23, 7538.  

18.     Yu Wang,Pengcheng Liu,*Kongjun Zhu,* Jing Wang and Jinsong Liu. Hierarchical bilayered hybrid nanostructural arrays of NiCo2O4 nanourchins and nanowires as free-standing electrode with high loading for high-performance lithium-ion batteries. Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 14979. (*Co-corresponding author, Co-first author)

19.     Liye Li,Pengcheng Liu,*Kongjun Zhu,* Jing Wang, Guoan Tai and Jinsong Liu. Flexible and Robust N-Doped Carbon Nanofiber Film Encapsulating Uniformly Silica Nanoparticles: Free-Standing Long-Life and Low-Cost Electrodes for Li- and Na-Ion Batteries. Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 235, 79. (*Co-corresponding author, Co-first author) 

20.     Pengcheng Liu, Dehua Zhou, Kongjun Zhu,* Qingliu Wu,* Yifeng Wang, Guoan Tai, Wei Zhang and Qilin Gu. Bundle-like α’-NaV2O5 mesocrystals: from synthesis, growth mechanism to analysis of Na-ion intercalation/deintercalation abilities. Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 1975. 

21.     Pengcheng Liu, Kongun Zhu,* Yanfeng Gao, Qingliu Wu, Jinsong Liu, Jinhao Qiu, Qilin Gu and Hongjuan Zheng. Ultra-long VO2 (A) nanorods using the high-temperature mixing method under hydrothermal conditions: synthesis, evolution and thermochromic properties.CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 2753.


1. David Mitlin,Pengcheng Liu. United States Patent: 20250015437. SEPARATORS FOR USE IN ENERGY STORAGE DEVICES. 2025.


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