单位:钙钛矿光电技术创新中心 电话: 出生年月:1957-06-14 邮箱:108109144@seu.edu.cn 学历:博士 地址: 职称:院士
  • 基本信息
  • 教学授课
  • 科学研究
  • 荣誉奖励
  • 团队及招生情况
Mohammad khaja Nazeeruddin,东南大学客座教授,欧洲科学院院士,英国皇家化学会会士,瑞士化学会会士。钙钛矿太阳能电池、染料敏化太阳能电池和有机发光二极管领域的顶尖科学家,研究领域包括钙钛矿材料成分工程、空穴传输层分子工程、光电应用功能材料的设计和开发。发表超过 886 篇经同行评审的论文和 10 本专著,是超过 103 项专利的发明人/共同发明人,并应邀在 450 多场国际会议上发言。其论文被引用超过 186214 次,h 指数为 193,从 2014 年到 2023 年连续十年在化学、工程、材料和环境领域被评为 “高被引学者”(汤森路透)。

Higher Education

1986 ,印度海德拉巴 奥斯马尼亚大学化学系博士

1980 ,印度海德拉巴 奥斯马尼亚大学化学系理学硕士

1986 ,Ph. D., Department of Chemistry, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India.

1980 ,M.Sc., Department of Chemistry, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India.


2012-2022: 瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院基础科学学院,化学科学与工程研究所,功能材料分子工程组,教授 

2014-2019: 韩国高丽大学(世宗校区)先进材料化学系,世界一流大学教授

2014-2023: 沙特阿拉伯吉达,阿卜杜勒-阿齐兹国王大学,客座教授

2014-2025: 华北电力大学,中国教育部支持的高校学科人才引进计划(“111 ”计划)

2019-2025: 沙迦大学科学学院顾问委员会成员


2024-2026: 葡萄牙布拉加,国际伊比利亚纳米技术实验室(INL)科学顾问委员会

2024-2027: 东南大学客座教授

2012-2022: Professor, Faculty of Basic Sciences, ISIC, Group for Molecular Engineering of Functional Materials, EPFL, Switzerland

2014-2019: BKPLUS 21, Department of Advanced Materials Chemistry, Korea University (Sejong Campus), Korea

2014-2023: Visiting Professor, King Abdul-Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

2014-2025: Participating in the Program of Introducing Talents of Discipline to University (111 Program), supported by the Ministry of Education of China, North China Electric Power University

2019-2025: Advisory Board Member, University of Sharjah-College of Sciences

2023-2028: Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Basic Sciences, ISIC, Group for Molecular Engineering of Functional Materials, EPFL, Switzerland

2024-2026: International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL) Scientific Advisory Board, Braga, Portugal

2024-2027: Guest Chair Professor, Southeast University, Nanjing, China


Selected Publications

(1). Dopant-additive synergism enhances perovskite solar modules, Bin Ding, Yong Ding, Jun Peng, Jan Romano-deGea, Lindsey E. K. Frederiksen, Hiroyuki Kanda, Olga A. Syzgantseva, Maria A. Syzgantseva, Jean-Nicolas Audinot, Jerome Bour5, Song Zhang6, Tom Wirtz5, Zhaofu Fei, Patrick Dörflinger, Naoyuki Shibayama, Yunjuan Niu, Sixia Hu, Shunlin Zhang, Yan Liu, Guan-Jun Yang, Keith Brooks, Linhua Hu, Sachin Kinge, Vladimir Dyakonov, Xiaohong Zhang, Songyuan Dai, Paul J. Dyson and Mohammad Khaja Nazeeruddin, Nature (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07228-z). 

(2). A thermotropic liquid crystal enables efficient and stable perovskite solar modules, Yang, Y ; Liu, C; Ding, Y; Ding, B; Xu, J; Liu, A; Yu, JQ; Grater, L; Zhu, HH; Hadke, SS; Sangwan, VK ; Bati, ASR; Hu, XB; Li, JT; Park, SM; Hersam, MC; Chen, B; Nazeeruddin, MK; Kanatzidis, MG; Sargent, EH, NATURE ENERGY, (2024) Volume 9, Issue 3. DOI 10.1038/s41560-023-01444-z.

(3). Oriented nucleation in formamidinium perovskite for photovoltaics, Shi, PJ; Ding, Y; Ding, B; Xing, QY; Kodalle, T; Sutter-Fella, CM; Yavuz, I; Yao, CL; Fan, W; Xu, JZ; Tian, Y; Gu, DY; Zhao, K; Tan, S; Zhang, X; Yao, LB; Dyson, PJ; Yang, DR; Xue, JJ; Nazeeruddin, MK; Yang, Y; Wang, R. NATURE, (2023) 620, 7973, 323. DOI 10.1038/s41586-023-06208-z

(4). Single-crystalline TiO2 Nanoparticles for Narrowing the Scalability Gap towards Stable and Efficient Perovskite Modules, Yong Ding, Bin Ding, Hiroyuki Kanda, Onovbaramwen Jennifer Usiobo, Thibaut Gallet, Zhenhai Yang, Yan Liu, Hao Huang, Jiang Sheng, Cheng Liu, Yi Yang, Valentin Ianis Emmanuel Queloz, Xianfu Zhang, Jean-Nicolas Audinot, Alex Redinger, Wei Dang, Edoardo Mosconic, Wen Luo, Filippo De Angelis, Mingkui Wang, Patrick Dörflinger, Melina Armer, Valentin Schmid, Rui Wang, Keith G Brooks, Jihuai Wu, Vladimir Dyakonov, Guanjun Yang, Songyuan Dai, Paul J Dyson, Mohammad Khaja Nazeeruddin, Nature Nanotechnology, 2022, 17, 598-605. DOI:10.1038/s41565-022-01108-1


Research Direction

钙钛矿太阳能电池、染料敏化太阳能电池和有机发光二极管,广泛研究了溶液法(一步沉积和顺序沉积)和真空沉积的钙钛矿太阳能电池,并获得了创纪录的功率转换效率,认证效率达到 26%。他还开创了染料敏化太阳能电池研究的新方向,包括 N3 染料(被引用超过 5791 次)、N719(被引用超过 2621 次)、N749(黑色染料,被引用超过 2425 次)和供体-?桥-受体卟啉敏化剂敏化剂,其功率转换效率超过 13%(被引用超过 5424 次)。

1. 材料优化:针对钙钛矿材料稳定性、器件效率等方面进行研究,提高材料性能;

2. 模块设计:研究新型的钙钛矿光伏模块结构,提高电池转换效率开发新型钙钛矿材料;

3. 工艺改进:探索更高效、可控、低成本的制备工艺,降低生产成本;

4. 可靠性研究:评估钙钛矿光伏组件的长期稳定性和耐久性,提高产品的市场竞争力; 

5. 研究钙钛矿光伏器件的差异化应用:光伏建筑一体化(BIPV)、太空、军事和国防、互联网、便携式和离网电源解决方案,以及其他差异化应用;

6. 技术转让和商业化;


He has extensively investigated solutions (one-step and sequential deposition) and sublimation-deposited perovskite solar cells and obtained record power conversion efficiency of 26% certified efficiency. He has also pioneered new directions in dye-sensitized solar cell research, including N3 dye (cited over 5791 times), N719 (cited over 2621 times), N749 (black dye, cited over 2425 times) and the donor-?-bridge-acceptor porphyrin sensitizers sensitizers with power conversion efficiencies of over 13% (cited over 5424 times).

1. Material optimization: research for perovskite material stability, device efficiency and other aspects, improve material performance;

2. Module design: research on new perovskite photovoltaic module structure, improve power conversion efficiency development of new perovskite materials;

3. Process improvement: explore more efficient, controllable and low-cost preparation process to reduce production costs;

4. Reliability research: assess the long-term stability and durability of perovskite photovoltaic modules to improve the market competitiveness of products; 

5. Research on differentiated applications of perovskite photovoltaic devices: building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV), space, military and defense, Internet, portable and off-grid power solutions, and other differentiated applications;

6. Technology transfer and commercialization;


Research Project

从 2014 年到 2024 年,Nazeer教授受到工业界、欧盟和瑞士政府的资助总额为 1600 万瑞士法郎。主要的工业资助来自松下、NEC、TOYOTA-AISIN、TOYOTA-Europe Motors、Solaronix、ABENGOA、Solvay-New Business、CubicPV、USARMY、QNRF 和 QEERI。

他在 EPFL 领导的 有机发光二极管研究已多次受邀参与欧盟-FP7 项目。

他指导的一个名为 SOLEDLIGHT 的新项目获得了欧盟地平线 2020 计划的重大资助。

The total industrial, EU, and Swiss Government funding from 2014 to 2024 is 16 million CHF. The prominent Industrial grants are from Panasonic, NEC, TOYOTA-AISIN, TOYOTA-Europe Motors, Solaronix, ABENGOA, Solvay-New Business, CubicPV, USARMY, QNRF, and QEERI.

The OLED research at EPFL headed by him has resulted in several invitations to participate in EU-FP7 projects.

He has secured major funding from the EU Horizon 2020 program for a new project called SOLEDLIGHT.


Scientific Achievement

1.发表了超过 886 篇经同行评审的文章和 10 章著作,是超过 103 项专利的发明人/共同发明人,  并应邀在 450 多场国际会议上发言。

2.文章共被引用 186,214 次,h 指数为 193,被评为世界上被引用次数第五多的化学家(Web of Science 2016)、

世界上所有科学领域 19 位最有影响力的科学家之一(汤森路透),并被《泰晤士报高等教育版》列为太阳能电池

研究领域的十大研究人员之一。曾入选斯坦福大学全球前 2% 高被引科学家名单(2022 年 10 月),并在 2014 年

至 2023 年连续十年被评为化学、工程、材料和环境领域的高被引学者(汤森路透)。

He has published more than 886 peer-reviewed articles and 10 book chapter, is an inventor/co-inventor on more than 103 patents, and has been invited to speak at more than 450 international conferences. Prof. Nazeeruddin‘s articles have been cited a total of 186,214 times with an h-index of 193, and he has been ranked as the world's fifth most cited chemist (Web of Science 2016), one of the world's 19 most influential scientists across all fields of science (Thomson Reuters), listed as one of the top 10 researchers in solar cell research in the Times Higher Education edition. He has been named to Stanford University's list of the world's top 2% of highly cited scientists (October 2022), and has been recognized as a Highly Cited Scholar for ten consecutive years from 2014 to 2023 in the areas of Chemistry, Engineering, Materials, and the Environment (Thomson Reuters).


Editorial Board 

(1). Chemistry of Inorganic Materials 主编 

(2). Helvetica Chimica Acta 国际编辑顾问委员会

(3). Advanced Functional Materials国际编辑顾问委员会

(4). Energy Chem,副主编

(5). Solar Energy,副主编

(6). Scientific Reports,编辑顾问委员会

(7). RRL Solar,国际编辑顾问委员会

(8). Artificial Photosynthesis,编辑顾问委员会

(1). Editor in Chief, Chemistry of Inorganic Materials

(2). Helvetica Chimica Acta, International Editorial Advisory Board Members

(3). Advanced Functional Materials, Advisory Board

(4). Energy Chem, Associated Editor

(5). Solar Energy, Associated Editor

(6). Scientific Reports, Editorial Advisory Board

(7). RRL Solar, international Editorial Advisory Board.

(8). Artificial Photosynthesis, Editorial Advisory Board.

Fellowships and Award

2012     瑞士化学学会会士 

2013     欧洲工程院院士 

2014-2023  化学、材料科学与工程领域论文被引用最多的科学家

2017     欧洲科学院(EURASC)院士和瑞士化学学会会士

2017     英国皇家化学会院士

2018- 2020  西班牙 Rei Jaume I 基金会评委会成员

2019      特拉甘纳科学院院士

2020-2021   科威特奖评审委员

2021      第 34 届 Khwarizmi 国际基础科学奖

2024      无锡市 A2 类海外高层次人才

2012      Swiss Chemical Society (SCS, 102343)

2013      Elected as a member of the European Academy of Engineering 

2014-2023  Lists of Most Cited in Chemistry, Materials Science and Engineering Researchers

2017     Elected to the European Academy of Sciences (EURASC) and Member of the Swiss Chemical Society

2017      Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry

2018– 2020  Jury member of the Rei Jaume I foundation, Spain

2019      Fellow of Telangana Academy of Sciences

2020-2021   Evaluation panel for the 2020 Kuwait prize

2021       Awarded the 34th Khwarizmi International award in Basic Sciences

2024       Recognized as an A2 overseas senior talent in Wuxi


Team Introduction

Nazeeruddin 教授指导的钙钛矿光电技术创新中心潜心研究如何提升单结/硅叠层钙钛矿电池的稳定性和效率,其团队成员均为经验丰富的教授、博士后和博士生,对化学、材料、器件设计方面具有深厚的认知和经验。


At Southeast University (SEU) Wuxi Campus, the newly established Perovskite Centre under the guidance of Prof. Nazeeruddin aims to focus on increasing PSCs stability and efficiency of single junction and perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells. Team members are experienced professors、postdoctoral researchers and PhD students with strong materials characterization and device fabrication backgrounds. 

This team focuses on improving the stability and efficiency of perovskite solar cells, undertakes a number of national funds and projects, strives to train outstanding young researchers and establish an international cooperation network, and carries out technical exchanges and cooperation with leading research institutions and enterprises around the world.



2007 - 2018 博士后人数60;博士生人数20;硕士人数5.

2007 – 2018 Number of Postdocs, 60/ PhD, 20/ Master Students, 5. FSB/ ISIC/ LPI/ EPFL/ Switzerland
