单位: 电话: 出生年月: 邮箱:xi.wang@seu.edu.cn 学历:博士 地址:国家集成电路自动化设计技术创新中心401 职称:副教授
  • 基本信息
  • 教学授课
  • 科学研究
  • 荣誉奖励
  • 团队及招生情况
王翕博士,现东南大学集成电路学院副教授,博导,德克萨斯理工大学计算机学院客座研究科学家 (Adjunct Research Scientist), 研究方向专注于计算机体系结构和新一代EDA工具。于2020年在美国德克萨斯理工大学取得计算机科学博士学位, 之后跟随图灵奖得主RISC-V开源架构创始人,David A. Patterson 院士,在清华大学任博士后研究员。 拥有超过9年RISC-V体系结构设计经验,含括处理器设计,新一代EDA工具,大语言模型,高性能计算,并行计算,编译器,二进制转译,敏捷开发工具链等领域的科研工作。参与/主持多项由美国国家自然科学基金,美国国防部,美国能源部,深圳市科创委, RISC-V国际基金会,英特尔,亚马逊,大众中国资助的科研项目,项目经费累计1.55亿人民币。全球首创基于AI大语言模型的处理器芯片自动化设计和验证平台ChatCPU。科研成果多次在 DAC, IPDPS, HPDC, ICPP, JSSC, TC等国际顶级会议和期刊上累计发表20篇,其中一作/通讯12篇。并荣获IPDPS 2021年度最佳论文奖,ISSCC 2023 Code-a-Chip芯片设计奖第一名,CSAW 2023年度国际AI硬件攻击挑战赛冠军等国际学术会议奖项。多项科研成果被美国西北太平洋国家实验室 (PNNL), 劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室(LBNL), RISC-V国际基金会, 美光科技, 大众, 英特尔, 美光等机构和企业采纳使用。

- 2016 - 2020:美国德克萨斯理工大学 (Texas Tech University),计算机科学(博士)

- 2014 - 2016:美国德克萨斯理工大学 (Texas Tech University),计算机科学(硕士)

  • 2024.4 - 至今:  东南大学,集成电路学院,副教授

  • 2024.1 - 2024.4:国家集成电路自动化设计技术创新中心,大模型项目组,项目主管

  • 2023.6 - 2024.1:清华大学,深圳国际研究生院,项目研究员

  • 2021.5 - 2023.5:清华大学,深圳国际研究生院,博士后研究员

  • 2018.5 - 2018.8:美国西北太平洋国家实验室(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory),High-Performance Computing Department,博士实习(Ph.D. Intern)

  • 2017.5 - 2017.8:美国阿贡国家实验室(Argonne National Laboratory),Mathematics and Computer Science Division ,科研助理(Research Aide)

  • 2016.5 - 2016.8:美光科技MicronTechnology, Inc.Advanced Memory System Group,编译器工程师(Compiler Engineer)




近5年发表论文( 通讯作者)

  • Ke Xu, Jialin Sun, Yuchen Hu, Xinwei Fang, Weiwei Shan, Xi Wang* and Zhe Jiang, MEIC: Re-thinking RTL Debug Automation using LLMs, IEEE ICCAD 2024.

  • Xi WangGwok-Waa Wan, Sam-Zaak Wong, Layton Zhang, Tianyang Liu, Qi Tian and Jianmin Ye, ChatCPU: An Agile CPU Design & Verification Platform with LLM, IEEE DAC, Best Paper Award Nominee (5/1456),  2024

  • Gwok-Waa Wan, Sam-Zaak Wong, Xi Wang*, Jailbreaking Pre-trained Large Language Models Towards Hardware Vulnerability Insertion Ability, ACM/IEEE GLVLSI 2024.

  • Tianyang Liu, Qi Tian, Jianmin Ye, LikTung Fu, Shengchu Su, Junyan Li, Gwok-Waa Wan, Layton Zhang, Sam-Zaak Wong, Xi Wang*, and Jun YangChatChisel: Enabling Agile Hardware Design with Large Language ModelsISEDA 2024.

  • Yuxuan Du, Zhengguo Shen, Junyi Qian, Chengjun Wu, Weiwei Shan, and Xi Wang*, DSC-TRCP: Dynamically Self-calibrating Tunable Replica Critical Paths Based Timing Monitoring for Variation Resilient Circuits, IEEE JSSC, 2024. 

  • Cai Li, Haochang Zhi, Kaiyue Yang, Junyi Qian, Zhihao Yan, Lixuan Zhu, Chao Chen, Weiwei Shan, and Xi Wang*, A 0.61μW Fully-Integrated Keyword-Spotting ASIC with Real-Point Serial FFT-Based MFCC and Temporal Depthwise Separable CNN, IEEE JSSC, 2023.

  • Xi Wang, John D. Leidel, Brody Williams, Alan Ehret, Miguel Mark, Michel Kinsy, and Yong Chen, xBGAS: A Global Address Space Extension on RISC-V for High Performance Computing, IEEE Conference on International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Best Paper Award (1/462), 2021. 

  • Xi Wang*, Antonino Tumeo, John D. Leidel, Jie Li and Yong Chen, HAM: Hotspot-Aware Manager for Improving Communications with 3D-Stacked Memory, IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC). 

  • Zach Hansen, Brody Williams, John D. Leidel, Xi Wang, Yong Chen, DMM-GAPBS: Adapting the GAP Benchmark Suite to a Distributed Memory Model, IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), 2021.

  • Brody Williams, John D. Leidel, Xi Wang, and Yong Chen, CircusTent: A Benchmark Suite for Atomic Memory Operations, ACM International Symposium on Memory Systems (MEMSYS), 2020.

  • John D. Leidel, Xi Wang*, Brody Williams, and Yong Chen, Toward a Microarchitecture for Efficient Execution of Irregular Applications, ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing (TOPC), 2020. 

  • Xi Wang, John D. Leidel, Brody Williams, and Yong Chen, PAC: Paged Adaptive Coalescer for 3D-stacked memory, ACM High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC), 2020. 

  • Xi Wang, Brody Williams, John Leidel, et al., Remote Atomic Extension (RAE) for Scalable High Performance Computing. IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2020. 

  • Xi Wang, Antonino Tumeo, John D. Leidel, Jie Li, and Yong Chen, MAC: Memory Access Coalescer for 3D-Stacked Memory, ACM International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2019.

  • Jie Li, Xi Wang, Antonino Tumeo, Brody Williams, John D. Leidel, and Yong Chen, PIMS: A Lightweight Processing-in-Memory Accelerator for Stencil Computations, ACM International Symposium on Memory Systems (MEMSYS), 2019.

  • Xi Wang, John D. Leidel, Yong Chen, Memory Coalescing for Hybrid Memory Cube, ACM International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2018.

  • IEEE DAC 2024 Best Paper Award Nominee (5/1456)

  • IEEE VLSI 2024 “Code-a-Chip” Award, First Prize

  • CSAW 2023 International AI Hardware Attack Challenge, First Prize

  • IEEE ISSCC 2023 “Code-a-Chip” Award, First Prize

  • IEEE Conference on IPDPS 2021 Best Paper Award (1/462)

  • Best Research Poster Award of NSF CAC (Cloud and Autonomic Computing) in 2020

  • Helen DeVitt Jones Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award of Texas Tech University in 2018

  • Travel Grant for attending ACM/IEEE SC17 (Super Computing 2017) in Denver 2017

  • Travel Grant for attending ACM/IEEE SC16 (Super Computing 2016) in Salt Lake City 2016


我们的团队名称为GEAR( Group of Emerging Architecture Research),专注于计算机体系结构和EDA方向的前沿探索,致力于推动全球新一代EDA技术的发展,应对如今领域定制架构设计和日益繁复的系统设计挑战,以软硬协同的方式开展端到端的全栈式芯片设计研究。

Every cog in the GEAR counts! & There is no loser in a winning team! 我们关注每一位团队成员的未来发展,以Top-Down的教育方式辅助全栈式的芯片设计流程学习,鼓励以兴趣为导向的开放研究模式。同时,我们也根据团队成员们的个人发展规划,平衡科研探索(Research)和工程实现(Development),致力于培养IC行业的六边形战士。


