个人简介 东南大学首席教授,博士导师,IEEE高级会员,主要研究方式为数字集成电路设计和人工智能加速器设计,近年来集中研究高性能低功耗数字信号处理器(DSP)芯片的设计。具有一定的产业经验,注重科技创新能力和工程实践能力的培养,国家级人才。
教育经历 1994-1998,加拿大Concordia University, Electrical and computer Engineering, digital video compression, P.h.D. 1986-1989,中国科学院上海光学和精密机械研究所,光学工程,光学信息处理,工学硕士 1981-1986,清华大学,电子工程系,数字图像处理,工学学士
工作经历 2024.01 -- 现在, 东南大学集成电路学院,无锡校区,首席教授,博士导师 2020.10 -- 2023.12,长三角集成电路工业应用技术创新中心, 无锡,首席科学家 2014.05 -- 2020.09,中国信科集团,集成电路创新中心,北京,DSP总架构师
1998.07 -- 2014.04,先后在加拿大Nortel Networks公司,美国Convergent Networks公司,美国德州仪器(Texas Instruments)公司以及美国Casa Systems公司任职。 1989.07 -- 1994.08,南京理工大学,理学院,应用物理系,南京,副教授
讲授课程 课程代码:B6300200 课程名称:数字电路基础(Foundation of digital circuits) 学分/总学时:4学分/64学时 讲课学时:64;研讨学时:0;实验学时:0;上机学时:0;课外学时:0 课程类别:大类学科基础课 开课学期:二(1) 适用对象:集成电路学院(类)专业二年级 先修课程:高等数学、大学物理、大学计算机基础 后续课程:数字逻辑电路实验、数字信号处理、数字集成电路、电子系统设计
研究领域或方向 研究领域: 集成电路设计,人工智能 (AI) 研究方向: 1. 处理器设计 2. 人工神经网络模型加速器设计 3. VLIW架构处理器的编译器设计
4. 安全实时操作系统(secure RTOS)设计
5. 嵌入式软件开发
研究项目 VLIW架构的DSP核的工程化研究:指令集架构设计,DSP核微架构设计,LLVM编译器设计,GEM5模拟器开发,Eclipse IDE开发。
研究成果 论文发表(Paper Publications) Journal Papers: ZhangH, Zhang J. et al, “Transformer + GAN based Traditional Chinese Medicine inpatient prescription recommendation: Development Study”, JMIR Med Inform 2022 May; 10(5):e35239. https://medinform.jmir.org/2022/5/e35239/ Zhang H, Ni W, Li J, Zhang J, “Artificial Intelligence–Based Traditional Chinese Medicine Assistive Diagnostic System: Validation Study”, JMIR Med Inform 2020; 8(6):e17608. https://medinform.jmir.org/2020/6/e17608/ J. Zhang, O. M. Ahmad, and M.N.S. Swamy, Quadtree structured region-wise motion compensation technique for video compression, IEEE Trans. Circuit and System for Video Technology, Vol. 9, pp. 808-822, No.5, August, 1999. J. Zhang, O. M. Ahmad, and M.N.S. Swamy, New windowing techniques for variable-size block motion compensation, IEE ProceedingsVision, Image and Signal Processing, 1999. J. Zhang, O. M. Ahmad, and M.N.S. Swamy, Bidirectional variable size block motion compensation, Electronics Letters, Vol. 34, pp.52-53, Jan., 1998. J. Zhang, O. M. Ahmad, and M.N.S. Swamy, A feature-bit-plane based technique for the estimation of motion vectors, Electronics Letters, Vol.34, pp. 1090-1091, May 1998. J. Zhang, O. M. Ahmad, and M.N.S. Swamy, DC matching for motion estimation, Electronics Letters, Vol. 33, pp. 1447-1448, 1997. D. Yan, A. He, and J. Zhang Computer simulation study of 3-D refractive index by iterative convolution reconstruction, Acta Optica Sinica, Vol. 14, pp.882-886, No. 12, Dec. 1994 D. Yan, A. He, and J. Zhang Application of step acoustical-optical deflection technique in terformetric photography, Optics Letters, Vol. 15, pp. 216-218, 1994. D. Yan, J. Zhang, and A. He, Automatic extraction and registration of shock wavefronts from series interferograms of a flow field, Applied Opics, Vol. 33, pp. 2121-2124, No.11, 1994. J. Zhang, L. Zhang, and A. He, Morphological operation for symbolic substitution and Hough transform, Journal of Nanjing University of Sci. & Tech., pp. 23-28, No. 2, 1994. L. Zhang, J. Zhang, A. He, and D. Yan, 2-D IPA associative memory, Journal of Nanjing University of Sci. & Tech., pp. 1-6, No. 2, 1994. J. Zhang, L. Zhang, D. Yan, A. He and L. Liu, Local interconnection neural network and its optical implementation, Optics Communications, Vol. 102, pp.13-20 No. 1, 1993. D. Yan, A. He, and J. Zhang Extraction and image processing of holospeckle fringes, Acta Optica Sinica, Vol.13, pp.801-805, No.12, Dec., 1993. L. Zhang, J. Zhang, A. He, D. Yan, and Q. Yang, Optical demonstration of 1-D locally interconnected neural nets, Acta Optica Sinica, Vol. 13, pp. 1110-1113, No. 12, Dec., 1993. J. Zhang, L. Zhang, Two dimensional locally interconnected neural nets, Acta Optica Sinica, Vol. 13, pp.812-817, No. 9, Sept. 1993. J. Zhang, L. Zhang, and A. He, Locally interconnected neural network for associated memory, Acta Optica Sinica, Vol. 13, pp.706-710, No. 8, August 1993. J. Zhang, L. Zhang, D. Yan, and A. He, Local interconnection neural networks, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 6, No. 7, pp.446-451, June, 1993. L. Zhang, J. Zhang, A. He D. Yan Optical implementation of localized interconnected neural networks, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 6, No. 8, pp.481-486, June, 1993. J. Zhang, L. Zhang, A. He, and D. Yan, Optoelectronic implementation of local cellular logic with double polarization coding, Journal of Nanjing University of Sci. & Tech., pp.47-52, No.3, 1993. L. Zhang, J. Zhang, A. He, and Q. Yang, Inner-product Hopfield model for association, Journal of Nanjing University of Sci. & Tech., pp.1-5, No.4, 1993. J. Zhang, L. Zhang, Image matching based on optical XOR logic, Acta Optica Sinica, Vol. 13, pp.244-247, No. 3, March, 1993. J. Zhang, L. Zhang, A. He, and L. Liu Double computer-generated gratings moire topography, Acta Optica Sinica, Vol. 12, pp.1014-1018, No. 11, Nov., 1992. J. Zhang, L. Zhang, A. He and L. Liu, Application of optical logic-operated Moire in Moire topography and deflectometry, Applied Optics, Vol. 31, No. 34, pp.7355-7360, Dec., 1992. J. Zhang, L. Zhang, A. He, and D. Yan, Two-Dimensional inner-product model for auto-hetero- associative memory and its new optoelectronic implementation, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 5, pp.321-325, No. 7, 1992. J. Zhang, L. Zhang, X. Nan, A. He, and L. Liu The moire topography based on optical logic operation, Chinese Journal of Laser(E.E.), Vol.1, No.4, pp. 373-377, 1992. L. Zhang, J. Zhang, and A. He, Image matching by theta-modulation, Optical Instrument, pp. 57-60, No. 1, 1992. J. Zhang, L. Liu Moire null topography with uniform accuracy by double computer generated gratings, Applied Optics, Vol. 30, pp. 79-84, No. 1, Jan., 1991. J. Zhang, and L. Liu, Moire deflectometry based on optical logic operation, Chinese Journal of Laser, Vol. 15, pp. 860-863, No. 11, 1989. J. Zhang, L. Liu Optical logical operation and moire pattern, Optics Communications, Vol. 66 pp. 179-182, No. 4, May 1988.
Conference Papers: J. Zhang, O. M. Ahmad, and M.N.S. Swamy, An adaptive virtual re-partition-based windowing techniques for motion compensation, Proc. Midwest Symposium on Circuit and Systems, 1998. J. Zhang, O. M. Ahmad, and M.N.S. Swamy, A new variable size block motion compensation, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Process (ICIP), Vol. 2 pp.164-167, 1997. J. Zhang, O. M. Ahmad, and M.N.S. Swamy, Overlapped variable size block motion compensation, Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Process (ICIP), Vol. 3, pp.642-645, 1997. J. Zhang, O. M. Ahmad, and W. E. Lynch, Mean-gain-shape vector quantization using counterprogration networks, Canadian Conference of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Montreal, pp.563-566, 1995 Li Zhang, J. Zhang, “Associative memory of two-dimensional locally interconnected neural network,” Int. Conf. On Neural Networks and Signal Processing, GuangZhou, China, 1993, pp213-220. J. Zhang, L. Zhang, A. He, and D. Yan, Optoelectronic implementation of one-dimensional locally interconnected neural net, Int. Conf. On Neural Networks and Signal processing, GuangZhou, China, pp. 253-261, Nov., 1993. J. Zhang, L. Zhang, A. He, and D. Yan, Locally interconnected Interpattern Association Model, Int. Conf. On Neural Networks and Signal processing, GuangZhou, China, pp.176-182, Nov., 1993. D. Yan, J. Zhang, A. He, and L. Zhang, Experimental studies on laser scattering from exhaust jet of a real rocket, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 2005, Optical Diagnostics in Fluid and Thermal Flow ,pp.86-93, Dec., 1993. D. Yan, J. Zhang, A. He, and L. Zhang, Moire deflectometric visualization and processing of the boundary layer transition image on acone in a hypersonic flow, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 2005, Optical Diagnostics in Fluid and Thermal Flow, pp. 582-589, Dec., 1993. J. Zhang, L. Zhang, and A. He, Moire fringe sharpening with optical logic operations, The first Youth Academic Conf. Of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing, pp.234-238, 1992. A. He, L. Zhang, and J. Zhang A new opto-electronic implementation of 2-D associated memory, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 1563, Optical Enhancements to Computing Technology, pp. 208-212, Dec., 1991.
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