单位:东南大学 电话:18618451853 出生年月: 邮箱:zhangjiajun@seu.edu.cn 学历:博士 地址: 职称:首席教授
  • 基本信息
  • 教学授课
  • 科学研究
  • 荣誉奖励
  • 团队及招生情况

1994-1998,加拿大Concordia University, Electrical and computer Engineering, digital video compression, P.h.D.




2024.01 -- 现在, 东南大学集成电路学院,无锡校区,首席教授,博士导师

2020.10 -- 2023.12,长三角集成电路工业应用技术创新中心, 无锡,首席科学家

2014.05 -- 2020.09,中国信科集团,集成电路创新中心,北京,DSP总架构师

1998.07 -- 2014.04,先后在加拿大Nortel Networks公司,美国Convergent Networks公司,美国德州仪器(Texas Instruments)公司以及美国Casa Systems公司任职。

1989.07 -- 1994.08,南京理工大学,理学院,应用物理系,南京,副教授



课程名称:数字电路基础(Foundation of digital circuits










    集成电路设计,人工智能 (AI)


      1.  处理器设计

      2. 人工神经网络模型加速器设计

      3.  VLIW架构处理器的编译器设计

      4. 安全实时操作系统(secure RTOS)设计

       5. 嵌入式软件开发 


VLIW架构的DSP核的工程化研究:指令集架构设计,DSP核微架构设计,LLVM编译器设计,GEM5模拟器开发,Eclipse IDE开发。


论文发表(Paper Publications                                           

Journal Papers:

  1. ZhangH, Zhang J. et al, “Transformer + GAN based      Traditional Chinese Medicine inpatient prescription recommendation:      Development Study”, JMIR Med Inform 2022 May;      10(5):e35239.  https://medinform.jmir.org/2022/5/e35239/

  2. Zhang      H, Ni W, Li J, Zhang J, “Artificial Intelligence–Based      Traditional Chinese Medicine Assistive Diagnostic System: Validation      Study”, JMIR Med Inform 2020; 8(6):e17608.       https://medinform.jmir.org/2020/6/e17608/

  3. J. Zhang, O. M. Ahmad, and M.N.S.      Swamy,   Quadtree structured      region-wise motion compensation technique for video compression, IEEE      Trans. Circuit and System for Video Technology, Vol. 9,      pp. 808-822, No.5, August, 1999.

  4. J. Zhang, O. M. Ahmad, and M.N.S.      Swamy,   New windowing      techniques for variable-size block motion compensation,  IEE ProceedingsVision, Image      and Signal Processing, 1999.

  5. J. Zhang, O. M. Ahmad, and M.N.S.      Swamy,   Bidirectional      variable size block motion compensation,  Electronics Letters, Vol.      34, pp.52-53,  Jan.,  1998.

  6. J. Zhang, O. M. Ahmad, and M.N.S.      Swamy,   A feature-bit-plane      based technique for the estimation of motion vectors, Electronics      Letters, Vol.34, pp. 1090-1091,       May 1998.

  7. J. Zhang, O. M. Ahmad, and M.N.S.      Swamy,    DC matching for      motion estimation, Electronics Letters, Vol. 33, pp.      1447-1448,   1997.

  8. D. Yan, A. He, and J. Zhang   Computer simulation study of 3-D      refractive index by iterative convolution reconstruction, Acta      Optica Sinica, Vol. 14,       pp.882-886, No. 12, Dec.       1994

  9. D. Yan, A. He, and J. Zhang    Application of step      acoustical-optical deflection technique in terformetric photography,       Optics Letters, Vol. 15, pp. 216-218,   1994.

  10. D. Yan, J. Zhang, and A. He,     Automatic extraction and      registration of shock wavefronts from series interferograms of a flow      field, Applied Opics, Vol. 33, pp. 2121-2124,      No.11,  1994.

  11. J. Zhang, L. Zhang, and A. He,    Morphological operation for      symbolic substitution and Hough transform,  Journal of Nanjing      University of Sci. & Tech.,        pp. 23-28, No. 2,  1994.

  12. L. Zhang, J. Zhang, A. He, and D. Yan,  2-D IPA associative memory, Journal      of Nanjing University of Sci. & Tech.,   pp. 1-6, No. 2,  1994.

  13. J. Zhang, L. Zhang, D. Yan, A. He and L.      Liu,  Local interconnection      neural network and its optical implementation, Optics      Communications, Vol. 102, pp.13-20 No. 1,  1993.

  14. D. Yan, A. He, and J. Zhang   Extraction and image processing      of holospeckle fringes, Acta Optica Sinica, Vol.13,      pp.801-805, No.12, Dec., 1993.

  15. L. Zhang, J. Zhang, A. He, D. Yan, and Q.      Yang,    Optical demonstration      of 1-D locally interconnected neural nets,  Acta Optica Sinica, Vol.      13,  pp. 1110-1113, No. 12, Dec.,      1993.

  16. J. Zhang, L. Zhang,     Two dimensional locally      interconnected neural nets,  Acta      Optica Sinica, Vol. 13,       pp.812-817, No. 9, Sept.       1993.

  17. J. Zhang, L. Zhang, and A. He,    Locally interconnected neural      network for associated memory, Acta Optica Sinica, Vol.      13,  pp.706-710, No. 8, August 1993.

  18. J. Zhang, L. Zhang, D. Yan, and A. He,   Local interconnection neural      networks,  Microwave and      Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 6, No. 7,  pp.446-451,  June, 1993.

  19. L. Zhang, J. Zhang, A. He D. Yan  Optical implementation of      localized interconnected neural networks, Microwave and      Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 6, No. 8, pp.481-486, June, 1993.

  20. J. Zhang, L. Zhang, A. He, and D. Yan,  Optoelectronic implementation of      local cellular logic with double polarization coding, Journal of      Nanjing University of Sci. & Tech.,   pp.47-52, No.3,  1993.

  21. L. Zhang, J. Zhang, A. He, and Q.      Yang,  Inner-product Hopfield      model for association, Journal of Nanjing University of Sci.      & Tech.,   pp.1-5,      No.4,  1993.

  22. J. Zhang, L. Zhang,    Image matching based on optical      XOR logic, Acta Optica Sinica, Vol. 13,  pp.244-247, No. 3,  March, 1993.

  23. J. Zhang, L. Zhang, A. He, and L. Liu  Double computer-generated gratings      moire topography, Acta Optica Sinica, Vol. 12,      pp.1014-1018, No. 11, Nov.,  1992.

  24. J. Zhang, L. Zhang, A. He and L. Liu,   Application of optical      logic-operated Moire in Moire topography and deflectometry, Applied      Optics, Vol. 31, No. 34, pp.7355-7360, Dec.,  1992.

  25. J. Zhang, L. Zhang, A. He, and D. Yan,  Two-Dimensional inner-product      model for auto-hetero- associative memory and its new optoelectronic      implementation, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,      Vol. 5, pp.321-325,  No. 7,  1992.

  26. J. Zhang, L. Zhang, X. Nan, A. He, and L.      Liu  The moire topography based on optical logic operation,  Chinese      Journal of Laser(E.E.), Vol.1, No.4, pp. 373-377, 1992.

  27. L. Zhang, J. Zhang, and A. He,     Image matching by      theta-modulation, Optical Instrument,  pp. 57-60, No. 1,  1992.

  28. J. Zhang, L. Liu    Moire null topography with      uniform accuracy by double computer generated gratings,  Applied Optics, Vol. 30,      pp. 79-84, No. 1, Jan.,  1991.

  29. J. Zhang, and L. Liu,    Moire deflectometry based on      optical logic operation,  Chinese Journal of Laser,      Vol. 15, pp. 860-863, No. 11,  1989.

  30. J. Zhang, L. Liu    Optical logical operation and      moire pattern,  Optics      Communications, Vol. 66 pp. 179-182, No. 4,  May 1988.


Conference Papers:

  1. J. Zhang, O. M. Ahmad, and M.N.S.      Swamy,   An adaptive virtual      re-partition-based windowing techniques for motion compensation, Proc.      Midwest Symposium on Circuit and Systems, 1998.

  2. J. Zhang, O. M. Ahmad, and M.N.S.      Swamy,   A new variable size      block motion compensation,   Proc.      IEEE Int. Conf. Image Process (ICIP), Vol. 2 pp.164-167,   1997.

  3. J. Zhang, O. M. Ahmad, and M.N.S.      Swamy,   Overlapped variable      size block motion compensation,       Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Image Process (ICIP), Vol. 3,      pp.642-645,  1997.

  4. J. Zhang, O. M. Ahmad, and W. E.      Lynch,    Mean-gain-shape      vector quantization using counterprogration networks,  Canadian Conference of Electrical and      Computer Engineering,  Montreal,      pp.563-566,   1995

  5. Li Zhang, J. Zhang, “Associative      memory of two-dimensional locally interconnected neural network,” Int.      Conf. On Neural Networks and Signal Processing, GuangZhou, China,      1993, pp213-220.

  6. J. Zhang, L. Zhang, A. He, and D. Yan,  Optoelectronic implementation of      one-dimensional locally interconnected neural net,  Int. Conf. On Neural Networks and      Signal processing, GuangZhou, China,       pp. 253-261,  Nov., 1993.

  7. J. Zhang, L. Zhang, A. He, and D. Yan,  Locally interconnected      Interpattern Association Model,       Int. Conf. On Neural Networks and Signal processing,      GuangZhou, China,  pp.176-182,  Nov., 1993.

  8. D. Yan, J. Zhang, A. He, and L. Zhang,  Experimental studies on laser      scattering from exhaust jet of a real rocket, Proc. SPIE,      Vol. 2005, Optical Diagnostics in Fluid and Thermal Flow      ,pp.86-93,  Dec., 1993.

  9. D. Yan, J. Zhang, A. He, and L. Zhang,  Moire deflectometric visualization      and processing of the boundary layer transition image on acone in a      hypersonic flow, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 2005, Optical      Diagnostics in Fluid and Thermal Flow, pp. 582-589,  Dec., 1993.

  10. J. Zhang, L. Zhang, and A. He,     Moire fringe sharpening with      optical logic operations, The first Youth Academic Conf. Of      Jiangsu Province, Nanjing, pp.234-238, 1992.

  11. A. He, L. Zhang, and J. Zhang    A new opto-electronic      implementation of 2-D associated memory, Proc. SPIE, Vol.      1563, Optical Enhancements to Computing Technology, pp.      208-212,  Dec., 1991.


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